“Hotel Mumbai” is a must see movie
Apr 03, 2019
08:24 PM


“Hotel Mumbai” tells the story of the terrorist attacks in Mumbai that occurred in 2008 throughout the city. Amid the gunfire and bloodshed in the Taj hotel, the brave staff decide to risk their own lives to try and protect the frightened guests. In “Hotel Mumabi”, you experience what many different guests go through during these attacks, and how some survived.  

The hotel is at the top of the 10 terrorist’s target list because it hosted many rich foreigners, including Americans. The terrorist leader, who communicates with the attackers via cellphone and is never seen, directs them to seek out the rich and execute them in as public a manner as possible. He wants the screams of the victims to be heard around the world.

My personal thoughts on the film

I personally really enjoyed every part of this movie. From the time it played until it went to the credits, you are on the edge of your seats anxiously seeing what happens next.  Actors Dev Patel, Nazanin Boniadi, and Armie Hammer all portrayed their characters very well, and helped the audience live this terror with them.  

Although this was an insane movie and I thought it was very well done, I think that it could have shown more of the bravery of the staff and guests, instead of focusing mainly on the terrorists themselves. I think we needed to see more of the life of the hotel before the attacks, and have a sense of who these people are. The audience would be hooked to the movie and the characters even more than we are now. 

What film critics are saying

“True-life thriller ‘Hotel Mumbai’ is a hard watch. But its service-worker heroes are worth it.” 

- Michael O’ Sullivan THE WASHINGTON POST

“It’s a horrifying tale, and Maras, a Greek-Australian filmmaker, does not shy away from showing the carnage.” - Soren Andersen THE SEATTLE TIMES

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