1. Comment about something pleasant
Commenting about something pleasant, such as a song that's being played nearby that you and the other person can hear, a popular movie on a visible billboard, or even your surroundings can all be ways to open the door for conversation. Just do your best to avoid commenting about the weather; it's more than a little cliché.
2. Ask their opinion on something
People generally love to give their opinions. Asking a person about what they think about a topic will almost always elicit a response.
3. Complement their appearance
Telling someone they’re beautiful or handsome is a lot like talking about the weather - it doesn't really convey that you’ve put much thought into what you have to say. Instead, compliment your new friend’s necktie or a piece of jewelry. People like compliments and if they happen to be wearing something truly noteworthy, you can easily start a conversation about it.