Binge eating explained! Plus lots of advice on how to battle it.
Feb 24, 2020
10:13 PM

You’ve been there before...

You’re so good all day and then at night BOOM, you can’t keep anything out of your mouth?

I get it, I’ve been there. For sooooo many years I would jump on a restrictive diet and lose a few pounds only to then break it with a crazy binge and gain all the weight back. Once I broke the diet I would say, well I already broke it so I guess I’ll restart tomorrow. But for that night, any food was fair game. Pizza? Yup. Pasta? Yup. Chocolate? Duh. And the list goes on...

The reason so many people struggle with this is because DIETS don’t work. Lifestyles do. We need to understand that you will never give up pizza for life. And honestly, why should you? Food is such a big part of our lives. Idk about you, but I don’t plan on eating chicken breasts and romaine lettuce for the rest of my life.

When we restrict ourselves and say that a certain food is on the “bad” list, we put that food on a pedestal. It’s like when your parents told you you couldn’t go to a party in high school so obviously now ALL you wanted was to be at that party. When we’re told we can’t have something, that’s all we want.

So when you go on these diets and there’s so many “no”s you end up being OBSESSED with that food you can’t have. Instead, let’s try realizing it’s JUST food. You can have it now or you can have it later. It’s NOT a big deal.

That attitude allows you to have the slice of pizza, AND a salad. Having the slice gets that intense craving out of your mind and you MOVE ON. You’re not dreaming about that pizza day and night and then suddenly you find yourself alone downing a whole pie (you knowwww that feeling 😂).

Ok, but how do I get out of this cycle?

Balance your blood sugar

When we starve ourselves all day, our blood sugar drops so low! Eventually we try to find the EASIEST source of energy. Can you guess what that is? Glucose! Carbs and sugar are so easy for your body to convert into blood sugar so the cravings start to hit.

So first things first, DONT LET YOUR BLOOD SUGAR DROP! Don’t skip meals. Eat meals that contain fat, fiber, and protein. The mesh of the 3 will keep your blood sugar stable!

When we’re consistent with meals that are nourishing, we don’t usually feel this intense hunger and need to binge.

Now let’s say, somehow you’ve let your blood sugar drop and the cravings are about to hit, what now? Same answer!! Eat a blood sugar stabilizing meal to get you back on track!

If you decide you want a treat, that’s totally fine! Don’t make a big deal of it. And don’t have it INSTEAD of a meal either! A chocolate cake can’t replace real food...

Have the treat with your healthy blood sugar balancing meal. Enjoy it. Move on!

And there’s more you can do to combat binge eating


Ask yourself, do I want this? Is it worth it? Will I enjoy it? If the answer is HELL YEA, then go for it. If not, then maybe eat something else! You can always eat the food you’re looking at when you’ll enjoy it more!


Dehydration ALWAYS leads to cravings! Stay hydrated and if you’re starting to feel a binge coming on, first drink some water or herbal tea and then reassess.


If you’re constantly in the zone to binge eat, you’re definitely not eating enough. Bulk up the proteins and fiber in your meals and then see how you feel.


If you’re struggling and feel out of control, don’t be embarrassed to seek help. Whether it is a health coach, nutritionist, or therapist - find a professional who’s style you align with and ask for help.

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