Personal Brand - Thoughts
Apr 20, 2020
06:49 PM

Why do you need to have a personal brand?

One word = Opportunity.

If you aren’t online you don’t exist. It’s gotten to that point. It doesn’t matter if you are the best photographer in the world… if people aren’t able to access and see your images online there is someone else’s images that they can. They will choose them over you. They don’t know who you are.

Your brand encompasses your entire way of life.

It’s not just your previous work, it also includes what you aspire to be, what things you want to do in the future, what life you WANT to have. Don’t think of your brand as a logo or a color palette because it is so much more. It’s just as complex as you are. It’s your tone, it’s your personality, it’s your interests, it’s your dreams and it’s also your fears. Share all of those and the best way to do that is to categorize them and share them in a way people can unfold them when they want to.

I own a company… isn’t that the same thing?

No it’s not. You may close your company, sell it, or desire to do things outside of your company. Your personal brand is just like your name…. It’s going to be valuable to you and your network for your entire life. It will come and go on different platforms but people will know it’s you based on the brand loyalty and value you provide.

Ways to build your personal brand.

Create a mark.

A logo, a color palette, something that sets you apart and makes your content instantly recognizable.

Ways to build your personal brand.

Create a mark.

A logo, a color palette, something that sets you apart and makes your content instantly recognizable.

Photo Content.

We all know plenty of photographers… if you are on a budget. Call in a favor with them. Make a trade for some headshots, for some candid shots of you working, for photos of the things that make up who you are.

Video Content.

Video is now more accessible than ever. There is no reason to not start building your YouTube channel and Facebook Watch channel. You have an iPhone that shoots 4k. You have everything you need. (See my other mag on what all gear I’ve been using for my podcast/ content)


This one is harder for me. I’m not a great writer. I hop around a lot. That’s how my brain works. All I can recommend with the copy that you connect with your personal brand is keep it simple. Gary Vaynerchuck loves the Jets and he values Social Media and Hard Work. Find a handful of things that you care about more than anything else and start to create some copy around that. Keep it simple. Keep in mind that no one piece of content is going to go viral. We aren’t trying to go viral… we are trying to create value.

Don’t Sell. Help.

The best way to build awareness of who you are is by helping people. That always gets peoples attention. Don’t ask or sell people things especially with your personal brand. You want to be a friend who is always giving and helping others. You don’t want to be constantly asking people to follow, like, comment, buy, subscribe etc…. Just be there for people. Don’t be a shitty human just be kind.

If you enjoyed this mag please hit the like button and follow me. I’ll try and organize my ADHD brain into similar content like this. Enjoy and wash yo hands.

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