Rich Man Content Kit
Nov 29, 2021
07:49 PM

Your Content Kit is here!

The wait is finally over. I thought Cyber Monday was the perfect day to release your Rich Man Content Kits. You will receive the best deals. Those of you who completed my quiz will be sent personalized content kits but I wanted to put something special together for everyone.

The kit provided in the next slides will be specific to Instagram.

Provide your email here if you would like to see my recommendations for other platforms such as YouTube, TikTok and so many others.

If you are interested in a road map to help you show up consistently on social media. Click here.


You do not have to have the newest iPhone to start your journey on social media. Start with what you have. Develop a portfolio and media kit. You will continue to grow with each post.


A lot of creators chose to shoot with their phones. I personally love using cameras. Sony A6600 is a great starter camera.

Ring Light

If you can’t shoot in natural light, Ring Lights are great!

LED Lights

Want to level up your lights? This set is a perfect start.


As you progress, you will begin reaching out to bigger brands. It is always great to maintain a competitive age. I highly recommend upgrading to the newest iPhone after you have decided a career in content creation or influencing is something you want to continue to pursue.


Mics are a great investment as you dive into video work.


Backdrops are great when you want to transform your space.

Backdrop Stand

Backdrop Stands are essentials to prop up your backdrops.

iPhone Gimbal Stabilizer

A stabilizer will increase you video content quality by adding movement to each frame.

Camera Remote

This is crucial when you plan to shoot content by yourself. It will save you so much time and help you remain focused in frame.

Camera Cage

You can shoot content vertically for stories and reels.


Laptop are a great way to spend less time aimlessly scrolling and remain focus on the back end of content creation.

External Hard Drive

External Hard Drives are a great way to store your current and past work.

Curved Reflector

Curved Reflectors are great for portrait shots!

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